The Black Version is a brand new and completely improvised comedy show at the Groundlings Theater created by Groundling alum Jordan Black. The show features an all African American cast of Jordan Black, Keegan Michael-Key, Cedric Yarbrough, Gary Anthony Williams, Daniele Gaither, and Phil LaMarr and directed by Karen Maruyama. They've also had special guest performers such as Wayne Brady, Nyima Funk and Angela V. Shelton. This talented group of people are all giants of the comedy improv world with vast television credits from Mad TV and Saturday Night Live to the Boondocks and Reno 911. The set up of the show is that the director asks the audience to suggest a popular film title and then the cast improvises the "black version" of that film. They have already performed to all sold out houses at the Groundlings Theater since opening in the summer of 2010.
Official Website:
Added by sketchy on December 30, 2011