EcoLabs, with the support of the London College of Communication, presents a panel discussion...
"Does illustration and graphic design have a role to play in climate change? Images can function as powerful tools when they communicate not only the psychological dynamics of the issues - but also the science of climate change to the non-expert mind. How illustrators and designers rise to the challenge of communicating the most essential messages in an era of environmental crisis - is on the agenda of this cross-disciplinary panel discussion. This panel is presented by EcoLabs, a new ecological literacy initiative, and supported by the London College of Communication. It follows a recent article in Varoom magazine: 'The Greening of Illustration' by EcoLabs founder Jody Boehnert. Panellists will include figures from design journalism, academia, radical and mainstream illustration and design, climate change activists and the scientific community."
£7/£10/£20 sliding scale price
Official Website:
Added by nico_macdonald on August 15, 2007