Come see world renowned financial planner, radio talk show host and author, Ric Edelman for a discussion about a method for having your money managed like the pros do it. Brought to you by Financial Leadership Advisors, find out what all the buzz is about as we bring Wall Street to Main Street!!!!!
All proceeds of this event benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) and their search for a cure for Type 1 Diabetes.
Ric Edelman will be autographing copies of his latest book, "The Lies About Money." You won't want to miss this important event as you continue to assess if you will have enough money for your retirement, your children's college expenses, and long term health and quality of life care. So bring your spouse, bring your department from work, bring your whole company!!! This will be the one event this year which will change your whole outlook on the national economy and what YOU can personally do to insulate yourself from the ups and downs.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Official Website:
Added by Residual Income on February 27, 2008