1601 Bayshore Drive,
Vancouver, British Columbia V6G 2V4

Dear You,Welcome to the FIRST-EVER Arts-wide graduation celebration, The Great Arts Send-off (TGAS)!This event began with a group of students who wanted to highlight and congratulate the significance and achievements of graduating Arts students by organizing a celebration worthy of the their hard work. The four, five, or six (or more) years spent reading, highlighting, printing, editing, writing, discussing, and sleeping (in class) mark an important chapter of our lives. Given the amount of time, effort, and energy that we've put into our BAs, we believed that the three minutes of fame walking across the stage at convocation just wasn't enough.We thought you deserve better, and so we decided to present you with the greatest celebration of your accomplishments to be enjoyed thoroughly with your friends, classmates, and your favorite professors.The dinner-dance event is sure to be filled with great food, great music, great company, great dancing, and most importantly life-lasting memories. Whether you're finally graduating or celebrating someone else's completion, we ask that you look your best and come prepared for a blast.We promise you nothing but the most memorable celebration of your life.Hope to see you there!Yours Truly,Christabel KimThe Great Arts Send-off (TGAS) Marketing Director===celebrate in style==TGAS==celebrate in style==TGAS==celebrate in style===**Important Announcement: Seating Arrangements for TGAS**There are two types of seating arrangements available:1) Group seating: This is the recommended option for any party (2-10 people) that want to sit together.To book seats, simply follow the below procedure.Step 1: Purchase your ticket. Online: http://tgas.eventbrite.com Offline: TGAS Booth (SUB/MASS), TGAS Committee Members, or Outpost (SUB)Step 2: Get a group of friends (2-10 people).Step 3: Pick a person to be the group representative, and have that person e-mail tgas.mktg@gmail.com -The e-mail "subject" should read "TGAS Seating" -Copy the format below and simply fill it out: Name of Group Representative: Group Rep's Student ID: Email address: No. of seats requested: Name of all people in your party: first and last name (preferably to avoid confusion)Step 4: Receive a confirmation letter with a table #.Step 5: Find your table assignment on our TGAS Facebook group page under the discussion topic "Seating Arrangements". (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=49782016049)You will receive an email response confirming your seat allocation within 2-3 days (expect delay during peak periods), if not sooner. **Bookings must be made by Sunday, 29th March. **It is NOT mandatory to buy tickets prior to booking the seats.Get your PRIVATE table:Groups consisting 7-10 people are eligible to get their own private table.You can buy a whole table online, or buy individual tickets. In either case, you are required to send an email to tgas.mktg@gmail.com to book the table. In order to guarantee private table, please specific in the "subject" of your e-mail "TGAS Seating (table)".**If less than 7 people in your group show up on the day of the event, you may lose the privilege of having a private table. **Bookings must be made by Sunday, 29th March.2) Free seating: This is the ideal option for those who do not like the idea of having pre-assigned seats. Find your friends on the day of the event and sit with them. Note: This option is not recommended for groups consisting more than 3 people.If you have any questions, please contact Christabel Kim (Marketing Director) at Christabelkim@gmail.com. Thanks everyone!

Organized by The Great Arts Send-off
Ever felt lost among the large UBC campus and student body?
It is quite possible for a UBC student to have attended four or five years of university without having been to any of the campus events. We don't blame you--it is a large elephant, even if one bite at a time.
In organizing this graduation celebration, we wanted to create an environment where you could feel comfortable celebrating with your friends, within the context of your fellow UBC graduating students.
Our hope is that through events such as The Great Arts Send-off, UBC students will come to cherish and
take pride in their university experience. TGAS is
simply one initiative to kick-start a more vibrant student body, however; and we
certainly hope it will not be the only.
We hope that events
such as TGAS will become new student-initiated traditions at UBC,
further adding to the character and tradition of the past, present, and
future UBC student body.

Ticket Info:  
  • The Great Arts Send-off (Student: Graduating), C$51.25
  • The Great Arts Send-off (Student: non-graduating), C$51.25
  • The Great Arts Send-off (Student: Half Table= 5 people), C$256.25
  • The Great Arts Send-off (Student: Table= 10 person), C$509.95
  • The Great Arts Send-off (Faculty & Alumni), C$91.23

Official Website: http://tgas-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 18, 2009

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