26 Oxford St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

Exhibition re-opening lecture by George V. Lauder, Prof. of Biology and Curator of Ichthyology in Harvard’s Museum of Comparative Zoology


Fishes display a remarkable diversity in their behavior, ecology, and physical form. Constituting half of all known vertebrate species, fishes have adapted to almost every habitat on earth—from the deepest ocean trenches to highest mountain streams, and from sub-freezing to near-boiling temperatures. In this talk to celebrate the re-opening of the museum’s Fishes gallery, George V. Lauder, Professor of Biology and Curator of Ichthyology in Harvard’s Museum of Comparative Zoology, will discuss these remarkable adaptations and look at some of the cutting-edge fish research that is currently happening at Harvard.

Free and open to the public, Geological Lecture Hall, 24 Oxford Street. Free parking available in the 52 Oxford Street garage.

Museum members reception to follow in the renovated Fishes Gallery. Space is limited. Pre-registration required. RSVP to members@hmnh.harvard.edu or 617.496.6972.

Added by hmnhpr on May 16, 2012

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