Petersfield Festival Hall ,Heath Road
Petersfield, England GU35 ONP

Lion and Unicorn Players to stage The Government Inspector.

One of the great comedies of the last two hundred years comes to Petersfield in Lion and Unicorn Players' autumn production of Nikolai Gogol's classic, The Government Inspector.

When the locals in a small town in Russia in the mid nineteenth century learn that an undercover government inspector is coming for a surprise visit, an unfortunate case of mistaken identity sends the village spiralling into a world of panic and backstabbing.

The Government Inspector exposes the corruption of a provincial town in a way that is both very funny and satirical.

This new version by David Francombe and Jill Hancock wittily identifies parallels with more recent events nearer to home.

The Government Inspector will be presented in Petersfield's Festival Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 11, 12 and 13 November with a Saturday matinee at 2.30pm. Tickets will go on sale on the 18 October at One Tree Books.

Added by will parsons on August 12, 2010

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