Join Tacoma Goodwill and keyonote speaker, Ed DeJesus, for a celebratory morning filled with triumph and inspiration. Each year Goodwill honors three outstanding individuals who have shown perseverance by overcoming their barriers to employment.
This year, guests at The Goodwill Breakfast have the opportunity to network with Goodwill clients at each table who are Ready to Work.
...because jobs change lives
Organized by Tacoma Goodwill IndustriesGoodwill changes lives by helping people with disabilities or disadvantages go to work.
Ticket Info: - Award Sponsor, $5,000.00
- Ready to Work Sponsor, $2,500.00
- Job Sponsor, $1,500.00
- Table Ambassador, $750.00
- Single Ticket, $35.00
Official Website: http://thegoodwillbreakfast09-upcoming.eventbrite.com