5814 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90036

From the 1960s through the mid 1980s, a vibrant and innovative group of artists working in California made significant contributions to the American Craft Movement. Working in wood, glass, clay, textiles, and metal, artists produced both functional and non-functional objects that represented an era, a philosophy, and a lifestyle immersed in the power of the handmade. This period also saw the rise of the designer-craftsman movement, which was characterized by a graceful fluidity between the now distinct disciplines of design, manufacture, and studio art. This exhibition will celebrate exceptional works made during these fertile decades, and will also pay tribute to two central figures in the blossoming of the craft field in California; Edith Wyle, founder of the Los Angeles Craft and Folk Art Museum and Eudorah Moore, director of the Pasadena Art Museum's California Design exhibition series. The exhibition will consist of approximately 75 objects, representing various mediums, and be accompanied by a historical guide for visitors.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 1, 2011

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