6356 Hollywood Blvd. 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, California 90028

Are you man enough to sport a 'stache? Experience the film that ignited mustache fever across the country: The Glorius Mustache Challenge!

WHERE: CineSpace, 6356 Hollywood Blvd., Level 2

WHEN: 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 3. Doors open at 8. RSVP required. No cover at the door.

WHY: Because global mustache revolution is calling your name!

Filmmaker Jay Della Valle presents The Glorius Mustache Challenge, a hilarious documentary that dares men under 30 to grow a mustache for one month. GMC explores how something as simple as a little hair on a man’s upper lip can change the way he looks at himself – and shock, dismay, and disgust those around him. Watch the trailer at www.gloriusmustache.com.

RSVP to info@gloriusmustache.com.

Official Website: http://www.gloriusmustache.com

Added by pilotpublicity on September 16, 2006