A crowd favorite for years, The Glancy Trains are from the collection of Alfred R. Glancy Jr., real estate financier and former co-owner of the Empire State Building in New York City. During the 1950s and 1960s, Mr. Glancy, enjoyed hosting "train parties" for friends, neighbors, schoolchildren and scout groups each holiday season in his home in Grosse Pointe Shores, Michigan. After his death in 1973, the Glancy family donated their extensive collection to the Detroit Historical Museum. The family's generous support of the Museum's train exhibit, the Detroit Historical Society and numerous other civic and cultural organizations continues to this day. The layout of the complex train setting includes a playful representation of rare artifacts and one-of-a kind trains along with unique interactive design making it one of the Museum's most popular attractions for children of all ages!
Added by Upcoming Robot on December 18, 2009