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Time: June 5, 2009 at 12pm to June 6, 2009 at 2pmLocation: Wyndham Peachtree Conference CenterStreet: 2443 W Highway 54City/Town: Atlanta- Peachtree City GA, 30269Hotel Contact Info: 770-486-3309 www.wyndhampeachtreeconferencecenter.com
To Contact Conference Host Prophet Candace House call:
This Summit will be lead of the Holy Spirit in Intercession, Worship and Prophetic Declarations.
We are asking for Leaders and Intercessors that will lead in 15, 30, and 45 minutes segments as the Spirit of the Lord leads.
We are calling for representation from ALL 50 states to pray and give prophetic decrees for the Church, America and the Nations.Service starts Friday 12:00pm - Saturday 12:00pm.
If you are serious in seeing the hand of God move and be a part of bringing that which has been released in the heavelies to the Earth realm then we encourage you to come and be a part of this move of God. The only agenda is God's agenda. There are no big I's and little You's. There is no preaching of the Word by anyone in particular. So no one will be featured. All will have the oportunity to come as the Spirit leads to pray or proclaim what God is saying.
Organized by Candace House MinistriesThe Gathering of the Eagles Intl is adivision of CANDACE HOUSE Ministries and RUACH CHAYAH GLOBAL Ministries
This Network is an alliance of Five Fold Ministers and Intercessors whose express purpose is to stand in the gap & wail between the porches in intercession.
Our Prayer is thisNetwork will help restore people in spirit and body so that they can be mobilized into their destiny, and equip and activate them to do the work of the ministry.
Our goal is to come together as leaders to interceed for the Body of Christ and to Proclaim the Word of the Lord in this hour. Leaders that are weary can come and be restored and revived by others to continue with the work of the Ministry the Lord has trusted to them.
Ticket Info: Early Bird Registration, $55.00
Official Website: http://thegatheringoftheeaglespropheticprayersummit-upcoming.eventbrite.com