265 Draper Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario

Des Kennedy, award-winning journalist, broadcaster, environmental activist, author and unrepentant gardener will lead his audience on a visual and literary exploration of the lush landscapes and gardens of the Emerald Isle. Employing poetry and historical reference, Kennedy will touch upon the mystical and tragic elements of the Irish condition and its artistic glory. We will visit both the wild seascapes of Connemara, the Ring of Kerry, and several public and private gardens.

Individual members of the Ottawa Botanical Garden Society (OBGS) & the BGC $7
Group members of the OBGS $12
General Public $15

To order a ticket: send a cheque and self-addressed stamped envelope to The Ottawa Botanical Garden Society, P.O. Box 74009, 5 Beechwood Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1M 2H9.

For further inquiries: phone the OBGS at 613-747-0600 or email: eventcoordinator@ottawagarden.ca.

Official Website: http://www.ottawagarden.ca/en/events/OBGS-DesPressReleaseFeb16.pdf

Added by Anijunga on March 20, 2008

Interested 1