Wednesday January 20, Wednesday February 17 & Wednesday March 17, 7pm to 11pm
The Garden of Sensual Delights
Aphrodisiac Inspired Cocktails & Food.
Where the Divine Meets The Decadent.
January 1/20 Wednesday arriving time between 7 and 7:30pm
Moulin rouge; sacred courtesans & extraordinary gentlemen
evening of the flirtatious a la Francaise. A melange of musique, divine dining, and evocative entertainment.
February 2/17 Wednesday arriving time between 7 and 7:30pm
Heartbeats & Pillow Talk: An Orientale Fantasy of Love
Valentines with a Chinese New Year twist.
March 03/17 Wednesday arriving time between 7 and 7:30pm
Emerald City: How Green is Your Garden?
Where everybody's Irish & all roads lead to the green.
Hosted by media personality Francesca Gentille,
Director of the Sacred Courtesan School, Radio host of "Sex: Tantra & Kama Sutra," & award winning co-author of "The Marriage of Sex & Spirit". Director & Founder: THE LIFEDANCE CENTER for Integrative Arts Clinical Sexologist, Relationship Coach, & Sacred Sexuality Educator Section Leader: The American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists Radio Host: "Tantra & Kama Sutra"
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on January 13, 2010