777 Lawrence Avenue East
Toronto, Ontario M3C 1P2

Thursday, March 27, 7:30 p.m.

The Garden as Art Form
with Claude Cormier, Canada
Here, at home, we may know him best for his famous Blue Stick Garden, but, from Shanghai, China to Le Havre, France, Claude Cormier is recognized as one of the world's premier landscape designers. The influential New York magazine Fast Company has chosen him as one of 14 designers – all disciplines, worldwide – who are driving design forward. His work is a combination of brilliant colour, unusual materials, droll humour, dramatic symbolism and unparalleled elegance. Cancel any other plans you may have – this is an evening that can't be missed!

Claude Cormier established his award-winning Montreal-based practice, Architectes Paysagistes Inc., in 1995, after studying Landscape Architecture at the University of Toronto and History & Theory of Design at Harvard. Internationally recognized, his firm's work is distinguished by an inventive spirit that responds to the constructed nature of landscape with unapologetic artificial moves whose bold simplicity belie complex historical responses. Work includes such highly public projects as the Palais des Congrès and Place d'Youville in Montreal, the new Four Seasons Hotel in Toronto and co-design of the newly open urban beach, HTO, in Toronto.

In this lecture series, we've explored the world to offer you the best of the best – in experts, in advice and, most importantly, in inspiration. We hope our speakers will embolden you to try new plants, to work with different materials and to let your imagination soar as you plan your spring garden. Floral Hall, Admission: $15, TBG members free
Limited seating. Door sales only. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. No advance sales or reservations.

Toronto Botanical Garden
777 Lawrence Avenue East
Toronto, Ontario M3C 1P2
Phone: 416-397-1340
Fax: 416-397-1354
Email: info@torontobotanicalgarden.ca

Official Website: http://www.torontobotanicalgarden.ca/programs/edwardslectures.htm

Added by cwhardwi on March 27, 2008

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