The Future of Search
Hollywood has often portrayed the future where humans can exchange information with computers, delegate tasks to, and ask questions of (such as HAL, KITT, and COMPUTER from Star Trek). Since then, the Internet was become essential, a web of pages evolved into a web of people, and mobile smart phones have become ubiquitous throughout society.
Dr. Patrick Riley proposes that the future of search is in the intelligent personal assistant, a HAL in your pocket, and it's right around the corner.
About our speaker.
Patrick is the founder and CEO of, a modern people search engine. Patrick built his first search engine while an undergraduate at Berkeley because he was tired of using Alta Vista to find academic articles. During his Ph.D., he created a search platform that captures and indexes everything said on broadcast television, in an effort to see how social media correlates to television. Patrick has published numerous computer science articles with the IEEE and ACM, as well as having ten years of industry experience.
As usual, we will start with gourmet dinner, wine and networking at 6:30 pm, this will follow with featured talk and Q&A session!
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Added by FullCalendar on January 15, 2013