"Our fourth Distinguished Lecture will explore the future of science in Parliament through the first-hand accounts of two of the strongest advocates of science in Parliament over the past decade, Dr Evan Harris, former MP for Oxford West and Abingdon, and Dr Julian Huppert, MP for Cambridge.
The Chancellor recently announced that he views science as vital to Britain’s future economic success. The science budget remains ring-fenced and protected from the worst cuts. However, there will be a real-term reduction in the science budget of 10% over four years and questions remain about £2 billion of other research funding and capital budget.
Leading the lecture on 19 November, Dr Harris will give his perspective, from more than 10 years in parliament, on the key challenges that lie ahead in respect of science policy, evidence-based policy making and government spending priorities. Dr Huppert will give his own perspective and discuss how he hopes the government will meet these challenges."
Official Website: http://csap.org.uk/events/article/default.aspx?objid=9273
Added by nico_macdonald on November 15, 2010