4773 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles, California 90027

Tribune innovations chief Lee Abrams and former Daily News editor Ron Kaye, who now runs the RonKayeLA news site, will discuss "The Future of News" at the Los Angeles Press Club at 7 p.m. next Thursday, Nov. 13. Everyone is welcome. The Chicago-based Abrams, in his first L.A. appearance, is sure to talk about the changes he recently advocated for the Los Angeles Times and how he would change Tribune's other big property, KTLA-TV. The panel will be moderated Ezra Palmer, former editor of Yahoo News and a Wall Street Journal veteran. Please come!
Free to all press cub members. $10 prepaid, $20 at the door. Students $3 prepaid, $5 at the door.

Added by ronkayela on November 10, 2008

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