Sheryl Connelly, Global Trends and Futuring, Ford Motor Company
Ron Kaplan, Senior Director and Distinguished Scientist, Nuance
Dan Miller, Senior Analyst and Founder, Opus Research
Steve Wozniak, Co-founder, Apple Computer
Within the past year, voice has become central to a rapidly unfolding transformation in how we engage our devices - akin to the way the mouse changed computing and the touch screen changed the mobile device. We've seen what's possible with the advent of natural language understanding and voice-driven technologies, and deeply integrated voice "assistant" technologies, but we're just beginning to scratch the surface of what's ultimately possible. There's little question that seamless voice interactions long reserved for movies like Star Trek and Mission Impossible are coming soon to your living room, car, enterprise, healthcare system, and mobile device - if they're not there already.
This is your chance to hear candid perspectives and insights from a diverse and lively group of visionary experts: how will voice and natural language understanding continue to change how we engage devices, services and systems across nearly every industry and interaction? What are the challenges and opportunities for innovators to bring great new voice experiences to market? Where will these technologies be in five years?
Sponsor: Nuance
REGISTRATION/ Networking: 5:30 PM | Buffet: 6:00 PM | Program: 7:00 PM
PRICE: Churchill Club Member $54.00 | Nonmember $154.00 (includes 1 year individual basic membership PLUS 50% off coupon valid for future Open Forum or Breakfast Club program)
EVENT URL: http://transition.churchillclub.org/eventDetail.jsp?EVT_ID=957
Official Website: http://transition.churchillclub.org/eventDetail.jsp?EVT_ID=957
Added by FullCalendar on August 1, 2012