Like it or hate it “the Cloud” is the future of IT. It may even be the most disruptive force that IT has ever seen -- literally restructuring the way that businesses work. In this talk, rICh Morrow, a Cloud Consultant with nearly 2 decades of IT experience, will walk us through the past, present, and (most importantly) future of Cloud and Virtualization technology. With a gift for making the deeply technical accessible and boiling the complex down to it’s essence, rICh will help techies and non-techies alike understand what “the Cloud” is, and together, we’ll dive into some amazing ways that it’s now being used, as well as ways we’ll all be using it 5,10, and 20 years from now.
Highlights include:
Defining “the Cloud”. We’ll learn about software and hardware virtualization by studying pizzas. We’ll unlock the meaning of IaaS, SaaS (and the less relevant PaaS).
Cloud Landscape. We’ll talk about Private vs Public clouds, infinite scale, cost benefits, automation, and some of the major cloud players.
Present-Day Cloud. We’ll look at what’s currently possible, and we’ll discuss the skillset, organizational, and operational changes that the Cloud is affecting.
Soon-to-be Cloud. We’ll talk about some exciting technologies that are coming within 5 years. Virtual Desktops, tele-presense, real-world modeling, and the gamification and digital persistence of everything we do.
Far Future Cloud. Embedded chips monitoring our blood for early-stage disease, Robotics and True Artificial intelligence. Someone cue up the Jetson’s theme song...
Stop wondering what “the Cloud” is all about. Come spend 90 minutes with us and walk out with a solid understanding of how you can use it now, and in the future of your business and personal lives.
Official Website:
Added by DaVinci Institute Events on December 12, 2010