As the digital economy
drives down the marginal costs of technology and a generation ofyoungconsumers
growaccustomed togiveaways, it's no longer a question of 'How can you compete
with free?' but a matter of 'How can you afford not to compete with
free?' At the same time, the current economic crisis is making
the need to turnfree into cash more critical than ever, and some argue
that free is doing more harm than good to content creators who rely on
'traditional' business models to pay the bills. The recession has proven that it
takes no prisonsers, and some companies won't survive unless they can figure
outhow tomonetize free and
Taking place May 11, 2009 at the San Mateo Marriott in conjunction with the Tech Policy Summit conference, The
Free! Summit addresses these challenges, and
the opportunities,in an open and critical way by bringing together leading
thinkers and innovators who are embracing the value offree...as well
as those who are not. Investors, entrepreneurs, content developers, marketing
professionals, analysts and other stakeholders who are at the forefront of the
digital revolution.
Learn more about the conference here.
Organized by SageScape LLCThe Free! Summit is produced by SageScape LLC, a privately held event management company that specializes in creating forward-thinking conferences and online communities for the technology industry.
SageScape's other conferences and events include the 3rd annual Tech Policy Summit, the Regional Broadband Innovation (RBI) Summit and the Tech Policy Central breakfast meetup with Dr. Vint Cerf.
Ticket Info: - Early Bird Registration, Free
- Waiting list (pending approval), Free
Official Website: http://thefreesummit-upcoming.eventbrite.com