Vancouver Film School (VFS) is proud to announce the debut of the brand new VFS Sketch Company, a group of 24 actors that will serve as a permanent cast for the Writing for Sketch Comedy class in VFS’s Writing for Film & Television program.
The Sketch Comedy class is based on a real-life writers’ room from a show like Saturday Night Live. Students pitch, write, and rewrite short sketches under the guidance of VFS's Sketch Comedy instructor, Morgan Brayton. The casting of the VFS Sketch Company makes the process even more authentic.
For many of the Writing students the sketch comedy experience at VFS is the first time they will see their work produced. In addition, they get the unique opportunity to observe the process as their scripts come to life, a part of the equation that writers don't often get to see.
Tickets for the shows are $5 at the door with 2 pieces of ID required.
For more information contact Robert Woolsey (
Official Website:
Is this open to anyone to attend? If so, what's with the 2 pieces of ID?