9301 Michigan Rd
Indianapolis, Indiana 46268

Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre opens their 2010 season with Larry Shue's award-winning comedy, 'The Foreigner.' Charlie Baker is a shy man. His buddy "Froggy" LaSueur convinces him they should vacation together. But after they arrive at the rural fishing lodge, Charlie just wants to be left alone. Froggy devises a plan. He convinces Charlie to pretend to be a foreigner who doesn't understand English. But the plan backfires when other vacationers find it easy to open up to this exotic "foreigner." As a result, Charlie learns many secrets and schemes. Compelled to do the right thing, he tries to help the potential victims involved. It all builds to a bizarre and unforgettable outcome for all!

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 15, 2010