Hilarity ensues when Englishman Charlie Baker, self-proclaimed “world’s dullest man,” takes a vacation at a rural fishing lodge with his eccentric army buddy, Froggy LeSuer. Froggy concocts an outrageous scheme to save Charlie from his shy self by introducing him as an exotic “foreigner” who can’t speak English. Soon Charlie’s guileless persona backfires and the lodge guests share their deepest secrets and most sinister plans. Winner of two Obie Awards, Best American Play and Best Off-Broadway production. Runs Jan. 26 - Feb. 14, 2010. Show times vary. Visit www.BRTstage.org for more details! Reserve your seats today! Call 215-785-0100 or visit www.BRTstage.org.
Official Website: http://www.brtstage.org
Added by Bristol Riverside Theatre on December 7, 2009