The Folly of Attacking Iran
Real Diplomacy Works-Military Threats Don't
Presentations, Q & A, and Book-Signings by
Journalists Stephen Kinzer (former foreign correspondent for the NY Times and author of Overthrow: American's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq); Barbara Slavin (senior diplomatic reporter for USA TODAY since 1996 and author of a new book on the United States and Iran entitled Bitter Friends, Bosom Enemies: Iran, the U.S. and the Twisted Path to Confrontation); and Reese Erlich (reporter and journalist who works regularly for among others CBC, National Public Radio, San Francisco Chronicle, and the Nation and author of a new book The Iran Agenda: The Real Story of U.S. Policy and the Middle East Crisis).
Co-sponsored by Just Foreign Policy, American Friends Service Committee, Bay Area Iranian-American Democrats, Bay Area Physicians for Social Responsibility, the Pluralism Fund, and Peace Action West.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on January 22, 2008