The Five-Step Career Makeover Teleseminar $27
Thursday, May 22nd at 7:30PM EDT
Finding work can be difficult. Especially now. Drastic changes in our economy have led to a job market flooded with applicants. That means more people competing for fewer jobs.
How can you stand out in the crowd of job applicants to become a Top Job Candidate? You need a career plan of action.
Urban Career Coach can help you step up your game to outshine the competition.
The Five-Step Career Makeover is a 70-minute workshop via telephone that you can attend from the comfort of your home. This information-packed program is designed strictly for committed DOERS who are ready to take the action necessary to take their careers to the next level.
The Five-Step Career Makeover will give you the tools and information that you will need to create a customized plan of action designed to catapult you to a Top Job Candidate™. You’ll discover:
• Three tips for sizing up potential employers.
• Three ways to tap into the 80% of jobs that are never even published.
• Simple changes that will make your resume pop and get the attention of recruiters and potential employers.
• Five things you might be doing wrong on the interview before you’ve entered the room.
• Three ways you’ll turn off an interviewer without even opening your mouth.
• Three things you should never say during an interview.
• Three ways to score big after the interview.
• Why you’ve only got a 4% of finding a job through posting online alone.
• Why not all job search engines are created equal.
Reserve Your Space Now
An increasing number of people out of work or underemployed means there are a lot more qualified applicants applying for every single job opening. Competition is stiff. Even a minor mistake made during your job search can easily knock you out of the running.
The Five-Step Career Makeover will help you strengthen your job search skills, improve your resume, and create a powerful first impression. During this career coaching telephone event you will gain the knowledge, tools, and resources needed to:
• Maximize your skills, experience, interests, and abilities – even the ones you’ve always taken for granted.
• Assess the obstacles that are preventing you from landing your dream job and use creative solutions to overcome them.
• Communicate why you are the best candidate for the job in language potential employers will understand.
• Turn your cover letter into a no-brainer marketing tool.
• Customize your resume to highlight your specific job skills and experience.
• Avoid critical mistakes on that initial call from potential employers.
• Create a winning plan to market yourself to potential employers.
• Use other people’s job connections without becoming a pest.
• Keep your resume at the top of job search engines.
• Conduct an organized, effective job search.
• Create a career plan of action with concrete goals that address your short-term needs and long-term career vision.
Are you frustrated with your unsuccessful job search? Not sure where to even begin with your job search?
Register for The Five-Step Career Makeover now. You can attend this information-packed, telephone-based seminar for just $27. You’ll get proven career search techniques that you can use throughout your career for less than you probably spent eating lunch out last week.
The job market is more crowded than ever. Learn job search strategies that can elevate you to Top Job Candidate™ Status and ahead of the competition. Register for a convenient teleseminar date now.
Can’t attend either session? Register anyway and afterward you’ll receive a recording of the event that you can download to your MP3 player and listen to whenever it is convenient for you. Just reserve your space quickly. Limited space is available.
Reserve Your Space Now
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Added by RRavenel on May 6, 2008