Brian Malow - Earth's Premier Science Comedian
The Final Frontier?
What do the frontiers of science hold? Join science comedian Brian Malow for a humorous exploration of the expanding universe. From space travel to time travel, from extremophiles in the ocean depths to black holes in the far reaches of space, Brian spins hysterical thought-provoking routines on evolution, our brains, relativity, Roomba, the internet, extraterrestrial life, and more.
The recent premiere of this show in Washington, D.C., landed Brian meetings with NASA and an introduction to famous physicist Stephen Hawking.
For all audiences! Music is not just for musicians. Art is not just for artists. And science is not just for scientists. Brian makes science accessible and fun, teaching us to not just look at the world around us but also to laugh.
Following the performance, there will be a Q&A session hosted by Marc Hershon.
"Malow performs a very important function: He makes science accessible. He pulls information from superspecialized fields and makes it comprehensible to a wider audience."
- Washington Times
Let Brian be your tour guide for this evening's excursion into the expanding universe!
For more information please visit
For a taste of science comedy check out:
Thursday, June 5, 8pm
142 Throckmorton Theatre
Mill Valley, CA 94941
$20.00 General Admission, $15.00 Students/Seniors
Official Website:
Added by FalseAnimal on May 27, 2008