* Special guests: P. Adams Sitney, Bradley Eros and the Zaqistan Arts Council (Sofia Gallisá, Zaq Landsberg, Scott Riehs, and Jeff Sisson).
* Curated by Lynne Sachs with the help of Mark Street, MM Serra and Ryan Marino.
This event marks the return of our screening series with The Film-Makers’ Cooperative, as we celebrate 50 years of Cinematic Collaborations from the their Archive.
Screened in glorious 16mm, tonight’s program celebrates five decades of film collaborations from the collection of the New York based Film-Makers’ Cooperative. Scholar and historian P. Adams Sitney will introduce our first short works — three New York City cine-poems shot by Rudy Burckhardt who worked regularly with artist Joseph Cornell during the 1950s. Our 1960s selection is Joyce Wieland’s and Michael Snow’s formalist vision of dripping water in a bowl – pure, liquid, kinetic sculpture in exquisite black and white. Next we will witness a grid-like flicker film hurled onto the screen by Beverly and Tony Conrad in 1970. By 1984 the avant-garde was into body art and filmmaker Tom Chomont photographed his brother Ken shaving — from the top of his head all the way down. Bradley Eros’ and Jeanne Liotta’s 1992 movie pushes our awareness of the body even further, into a dream-like reverie on cinema. And Stan Brakhage created one of his only film collaborations with Mary Beth Reed in 2001, revealing to the world his delicate process of painting on film. We will finish this evening with the premiere of a Wild West conceptual art video by the Zaqistan Arts Council (Sofia Gallisá, Zaq Landsberg, Scott Riehs, and Jeff Sisson).
Official Website: http://www.uniondocs.org/lynne-sachs-one-eye-two-%E2%80%9Ci%E2%80%99s%E2%80%9D-with-p-adams-sitney/
Added by margszie on November 8, 2010