6532 Phinney Ave N
Seattle, Washington

The Pacific Northwest is a dynamic, growing region. How will we meet the increasing energy demand of our growing population –

* What alternatives are there?
* Conservation is one side of the equation, but what sort of new energy resources are going to meet the new demand?

A good part of our energy comes from hydro-electric sources

* How will global warming affect our snow pack and the resulting stream flows?
* What is the feasibility of wind, solar, or other renewable sources in meeting our needs?
* What is the cost/kWh for wind vs. PV?
* What about de-centralized power generation?
* Are “Green Tags”, or carbon offsets, a good idea?

Learn the answers to these questions and much more!
Presented by:
Jack Brautigam of Seattle City Light;
Robert Stolarski from Puget Sound Energy;
Mike Nelson from the Northwest Solar Center;
Tom Balderston of Conservation Services Group.

For more information:
Jim Burton email: burtonj530@aol.com

Official Website: http://ecobuilding.org/events/

Added by slozito on March 24, 2008

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