Cardiff, Wales

Do you want to be more confident, more composed and calm?
Do you want to do things without the nerves, anxiety or even panic?
Now you can learn to be more confident, calmer and more composed in one day with The Fear Course in Cardiff.
The Fear Course has helped 1000's of people across the UK become more confident, composed, and anxiety free quickly and easily.
Learn the techniques and methods to be calmer and how to develop emotional resilience in this one-day workshop.
The Fear Course is running in Cardiff at 0930-1630 on 12th April 2010. There are only 11 places left on this unique life changing course.
Visit our website to book a place or email Justine Webber at or
call 020 8938 3590 for more information.

Official Website:

Added by minstrels_fire on March 18, 2010

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