Abbeygate Street
Bury St. Edmunds, England

From the Fat Cat mailing list:

Seasonal cheer to all

After last month's storming show the Fat Cat was faced with a bit of a problem, how to end 2005 with a bang?, But when have we ever let you down so here itis, a great comedy gift for all!!

In leading role of Santa Claus is SEAN COLLINS, all the way from Canada juxta Lapland, Sean is a major headline act on the international circuit.

Ably assisted in his role as Rudolph we are pleased to welcome PETE CAIN to the FAT CAT COMEDY CLUB.

Last but by no means least, Santa's little helper HOWARD READ, twice nominated for the Perrier Award, will ensure everything is delivered, well packaged and on time.

Normally at this stage we refer you rather glibly to the Website but it appears our back room team have managed to tunnel their way out, having left a short note about a well deserved break. They will of course be hunted down and dismembered by way of a ritual sacrifice.

So as you've all been good this year you are all invited to attend the FAT CAT CHRISTMAS SHOW - THIS SUNDAY DECEMBER 11th.
Usual stuff, doors open 7pm Show starts 8pm. No need to reply just turn up with friends, family and work colleagues and let us do the rest.


Added by amcewen on December 8, 2005