101 Harborside Drive
Boston, Massachusetts 02128

Most small business owners have no plan, no strategy, no methodology to attract clients consistently.

This one-day workshop is for self-employed professionals who are not attracting enough business and want to become better marketers of their services.

Conducted by Robert Middleton of Action Plan Marketing, the workshop promises "A breakthrough in your ability to attract clients with less struggle and effort." Robert will be teaching his proven Fast Track Marketing System that works especially well for small professional service businesses.

In this workshop you will learn:

* The rules of the Game of Marketing and the skills needed to win the game.
* How to shift your Marketing Mindset from one of avoidance to one of engagement.
* How to speak the Language of Marketing to generate attention and interest in your services.
* Develop a personalized Marketing Message that makes your business stand out in a crowded marketplace.
* The structure of Marketing Materials that not only get read but cause prospects to take action.
* Create a customized, step-by-step Marketing Action Plan that you will follow to attract more clients.

Attend this workshop if you want to be a better marketer of your services and make marketing a game you can win consistently. Marketing doesn't need to be a struggle, it can actually be fun when you understand how it really works. You won't just learn marketing information in this workshop, you will have a breakthrough in your ability to attract more clients.

Robert Middleton, of Action Plan Marketing has, for over twenty years, been leading marketing workshops and programs that empower self-employed professionals. Robert is the author of the online bestseller, The InfoGuru Marketing Manual and the publisher of the international, weekly email newsletter, More Clients. Robert's teaching style is hands-on and practical, giving you the information and skills you need to grow your business.


Official Website: http://www.actionplan.com/ftwkp08.html

Added by FullCalendar on April 20, 2008

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