Manchester, UK. March 25th-27th 2009. Digital innovation, energy efficiency and sustainable citiesOver the past few years there has been an increasing convergence between many aspects of the work of the Knowledge Society Forum and the Environment Forum. In particular there is a new focus on the need to green the digital world and, conversely, to look at ways that technological innovation, whether digital or not, can support the greening of the wider world and tackling climate change. Manchesteristhe lead partner forthe European Union funded Digital Environmental Home Energy Management System (Dehems) project (www.dehems.eu). The projectis usingthe new open innovation model ofLiving Labs (www.openlivinglabs.eu) to look at how technology can improve domestic energy efficiency.Workingin partnership with a mix European local authorities, private business and universities, the intention is to develop and test a Digital Energy Home Energy Management System (DEHEMS) for the home market. The Manchester event will focus on three things:1) How can large organisations, both public bodies and businesses, best use innovation to become more sustainable, especially in their own use of energy, innovation here is taken as meaning everything from particular uses of technologies (energy tech and/or digital tech) to new processes and/or approaches aimed at behaviour change including a report from the Dehems project.2) How can the digital world itself be more green, both reducing emissions from less sustainable uses of IT, e.g. data centres, and using IT, i.e. the Internet and the Web, in new and imaginative ways to really engage people and convince them to change their behaviour and to act more sustainably, especially around energy use;3) How can we best raise the profile of these issues and approaches and use the power and influence of the big cities, and their partnerships with business and the community, by creating a new European wide campaign, around the idea of a Green Digital Charter which will link into the launch of the European Commissions new ICT for Energy Efficiency ICT4EE initiative, being launched in Brussels on March 19th 2009.
http://ec.europa.eu/ict4ee PROGRAMMEWednesday March 25th Knowledge Society Forum Advisory Board meeting. 4 6pm in MDDA offices. [Board members only] www.manchesterdda.com Welcome to Manchester for arriving member delegates: 4pm 8pm, at MDDA. Simply for people to drop in, get some refreshments and find out what is happening socially that evening. Hot buffet & refreshments available. [EUROCITIES member delegates only]Thursday March 26th The Main Event in Manchester Town Hall. This is also the day when we invite other partners, in addition to Eurocities members and other European delegates, to come along, including the UK Digital Challenge network; project partners from business and the NGO sector and other local/regional networks, including Manchester Knowledge Capital, NWDA and other RDAs, Living Labs etc., interested in green and digital issues.The day itself will be a mix of big name speakers, presentation of key EU projects that we are involved in, including DEHEMS see www.dehems.eu, and workshops. Followed by an evening reception and dinner in the Town Hall.ProgrammeCities becoming more sustainable through digital innovation to improve energy efficiency9.00am - Welcome and Introduction: Dave Carter, Head, Manchester Digital Development Agency, City of Manchester.9.15am - Climate change and sustainable energy use: the challenge for Europe: Key note speaker: Linda Mauperon, Member of Cabinet, DG Information Society and Media, European CommissionThe Challenge for Business: Speaker Panel: Lynda Shillaw: Director of Property, The Co-operative Group, UK Paul Johnson: Head of European Public Sector Team, Director, Internet Business Solutions Group, Cisco Michael Stephenson, IBM Global Business Services, UK Climate Change Programme, IBM Q&A and discussion.11.00am - Coffee break11.20am - Sustainable Energy and Open Innovation using ICTs/Digital Technologies: Smart Cities and Sustainability: Simon Giles, Accenture Visualising the Sustainable City of the Future: Simon Maybe, Arup City to city collaboration: the experience of the Cologne Rotterdam Charter: Albert Deistler, City of Cologne The role of Living Labs: introduction to the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL www.openlivinglabs.eu): Dave Carter, City of Manchester Q&A and discussion13.00 - Lunch14.15 - Green Digital Innovation: turning policy into practice: EU funding for projects using innovative digital technologies for energy efficiency and low carbon impacts: examples of current FP7 and CIP projects working in this area, including digital energy management for homes, public buildings and businesses: practical demonstrations and breakout sessions.15.45 - Coffee and break out sessions16.30 - Towards a Green Digital Charter: EUROCITIES and partners working together to develop the Green Digital Charter as an action orientated and measurable framework to support cities and municipalities in using ICT to facilitate emissions reductions. Introduction by EUROCITIES, the Living Labs network and the Green Shift working group. Q&A and open discussion.17.30 - Main conference event ends.19.00 - Drinks reception in the Town Hall: welcome address from Sir Richard Leese, Leader of Manchester City Council. Sponsored by The Co-operative.20.00 - Conference Dinner. Friday March 27th - EUROCITIES KSF members only9.15am - Eurocities KSF involvement in the EUs ICT for Energy Efficiency ICT4EE initiative: introduction and break-out sessions, 9.30am 10am, report backs and discussion.10.30am - Coffee and start of Working Groups. Session 1a: Green Shift Europe ICT4EE Session 1b: eInclusion11.45am - More Coffee and further Working Groups Session 2a: Broadband Session 2b: eGov 2.013.00 - Lunch13.45 - EUROCITIES KSF members meeting 15.45 - Summary of event16.30 - CloseThis takes place in the CUBE Gallery (next door to MDDAs offices), 113-115 Portland Street, Manchester. M1 6ED. www.cube.org.uk
Conference delegate fees:
EUROCITIES full and associated members: two delegates free. All other attendees: 120 per person, includes reception and conference dinner.
Booking your tickets
Eurocities discount codes can be obtained by emailing
eurocities@manchesterdda.com and stating your organisation name and membership details.
When making a booking for your FREE places please ensure you have your discount code.
EUROCITIES full and associated members are entitled to TWO free tickets, to book your free places use the discount code supplied via email, any additional tickets can be booked using the Additional Member Rate [Paid] ticket type and are charge at 120
Non-members who wish to book for the conference are welcome, the ticket price is 120 and is valid for Thursday 26th March only. This ticket includes evening reception and dinner - see programme for times.
Contacting the organiser
To contact the organiser, please use the link on this page or email
This event is being jointly organised by Manchester City Council & Manchester Digital Development Agency [MDDA]
The official Eurocities website can be found at
Where is the event, how close is my hotel and where are the transport links?
Accomodation & travel arrangements should be booked direct
All hotels listed below are less than half a mile from all venues.
Premier Inn Manchester Centre112-114 Portland StManchesterM1 4WB Tel: +44 (0)870 990 6504
Brittania Hotel Manchester35 Portland StManchester, M1 3LATel: 0871 222 0017Fax: 0871 222 7704+44 (0)161 228 1361+44 (0)161 228 2288
Thistle Hotel Manchester Portland3-5 Portland StManchester, Lancashire, M1 6DPTel: +44 (0)870 333 9139
Hotel Ibis Manchester City Centre96 Portland StreetMANCHESTERM1 4GX Tel : +44 (0)161 234 0600 Fax: +44 (0)161 234 0610
The Palace HotelOxford RdManchester, M60 7HATel: +44 (0)161 288 1111
Hotel Novotel Manchester Centre21 Dickinson Street M1 4LX MANCHESTER UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44 (0)161 235 2200 Fax: +44 (0)161 235 2210 Email:
The Midland Hotel16 Peter StManchester, M60 2DSTel: +44 (0)161 236 3333
Radisson Edwardian Hotel Manchester"Free Trade Hall" Peter Street Manchester M2 5GP Tel: +44 (0)161 835 9929
Hilton Manchester Deansgate303 DeansgateManchesterM3 4LQTel: +44 (0)161 870 1600 Fax: +44 (0)161 870 1650
Terms & Conditions of Booking
If any bookings are made in the wrong category, the event organiser [MDDA] will attempt to inform you of changes to your booking, as such you must supply a full contact details.
Any tickets booked without valid discount code/authorisation will be subject to charge & ticket type being changed to 'Non-Member' and/or cancellation.
Event details are subject to change at the discretion of the organiser, you will be notified via email with any subsequent changes.
The organiser will endeavour to accomodate special dietary & access requirements, however these cannot be guarenteed.
All attendees must print their tickets and have them available for inspection at the event, failure to do so may result in refusal of entry.
Ticket Info: - Eurocities Members [Must apply for discount code], €120.00
- Additional Member Rate [Paid], €120.00
- Non Member Rate [26th March Only], €120.00
Official Website: http://eurocitiesksf09-upcoming.eventbrite.com