Our panel of Ethical PR, Marketing and Branding experts will share their tips on how you can effectively promote your ethical business in today's competitive environment!
We are looking for five ethical entrepreneurs to put forward their website for review!
Businesses are catching on to the fact that consumers are responding to companies with social and environmential credentials, so how do you effectively implement sustainable business practices and promote the triple bottom line authentically to avoid the greenwash?
Panelists include:-
Lisa King, Public Relations Officer at the Co-operative Financial Services. Lisa manages the marketing and branding of the group of businesses that includes Co-operative Insurance (CIS), and The Co-operative Bank including smile.
Mark Hanson, a partner of Staniforth, an agency that offers realistic and ethical PR and communication strategies. Mark has extensive experience in the political and corporate arena, including programmes that reach targeted audiences of policy makers, stakeholders and the City. He is an industry expert in Ethical PR and new media, contributing regularly on this subject to the Guardian and PR Week.
Chris Dessent, Managing Director of Creative Concern, an issues-based communication consultancy that delivers high quality and imaginative marketing and public relations solutions with clients to create a sustainable future.
Chris Charlton, Founder of Right Communications. An agency with a firm belief that brand lies at the heart of all communications projects. The company now uses this belief to drive exciting and impactful projects for a diverse range of clients, with a specialist interest in ethical marketing.
Delegate fee: £10 (+VAT)
Official Website: http://www.stridingout.co.uk/networking-events-manchester.php
Added by simonjermy on February 21, 2008