Dave Wakeling is a hell of a nice guy! Dave loves to tell you the stories behind his songs, either from stage or after the show. Ask any one of the thousands of fans who have met him over the years and that's what you'll hear. Never mind that Dave is the singer/songwriter from two of the most popular bands of the end of the millennium, The English Beat and General Public, he's a stand up man from Brum. Whether it's the personal as political in "How Can You Stand There", making politics personal in "Stand Down Margaret", taking a stand against global warming as he did with Greepeace's "Alternative NRG", or helping little kids stand up proudly with "Smile Train", Dave has always stood for something. And like the mighty Redwoods of his adopted home of California (dude!), it's been easy for Dave to take a stand because of his strong roots... Hailing from working-class Birmingham, England, Dave and The English Beat entered the music scene in the 1979. When The English Beat rushed on to the music scene in 1979, it was a time of social, political and musical upheaval. Into this storm came they came, trying to calm the waters with their simple message of love and unity set to a great dance Beat.
Added by englishbeatpublicity on August 12, 2011