Runaway capitalism is destroying the world economically with unprecedented concentration and over-accumulation of wealth among the elite class; and it is destroying the environment through the unsustainable, ever increasing need for growth. A new non-corporate model of sustainable, democratic cooperation in needed to safeguard the future of humanity and the planet.
This event, focusing on the top censored story of the new book “Censored 2011”, will be hosted by Prof. Mickey Huff, director of Project Censored. There will be a discussion with Jamie Walton, American Monetary Institute conference co-organizer and advocate for the American Monetary Act; Dr. Peter Phillips, president of the Media Freedom Foundation, former director of Project Censored, Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University, and expert on media censorship and global dominance issues; and Dr. Elaine Wells, board member of the media Freedom foundation, contributor to “Censored 2011”, former Professor of sociology, who will be discussing the impact of global capitalism on the environment.
Co-sponsored by the Media Freedom Foundation and the BFUU Social Justice Ctee., with special thanks to Carol Broillet
Sliding scale $5 - $20 at the door. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Wheelchair accessible
Ph: 510-841-4824
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Added by benburch666 on November 28, 2010