What's an Elevator Pitch FEST?
Two separate panels of investors to listen to two separate sets of 90 second elevator pitches.
[Panel A: 6:30-7:30; Panel B: 7:30-8:30]
Q&A from the panel followed by Q&A from investors in the audience.
Voting by investor panel and investors in audience.
How does it differ from the Elevator Pitch Roundtable?
The Elevator Pitch Roundtable is a great place to get feedback on pitches and business ideas. Investors suggest different ways of presenting & what works and doesn't work in business models. The Elevator Pitch Roundtable is more like a dress rehearsal.
The Elevator Pitch FEST is show time; a program of presentations and voting. A greater number of investors are available to hear a greater number of pitches pitches. The VC Taskforce Elevator Pitch FEST is a great opportunity for entrepreneurs to network with investors and other CXOs and present their company and business idea.
If you are an entrepreneur in a startup and currently seeking capital, come prepared with your best rehearsed 90-second elevator pitch.
If you are an investor come and listen to entrepreneurs' pitches. You'll have a chance to join in on the Q&A and simplified voting.
You'll never know where you'll find your next deal. Find out how our panel of investors rate the entrepreneurs' pitches; which VCs pass and for what reasons; and, which entrepreneurs other VCs want to talk to ASAP.
Please note that pitching time limits will be strictly enforced!
1-minute pitch
8-minute Q&A, 5 minutes from the panel, 3 from the audience.
Moderator: Steve Bengston, Director, Emerging Company Services, PricewaterhouseCoopers
To be announced
To give your pitch, please register and then email Rich Weingart, Direct Phone (415) 512-2122, who will provide you with further instructions and advice.
Doors open: 5:30 PM
Program: 6:30-8:30 PM
Location: EBC Briefing Center Menlo Park, 15 Network Circle, Menlo Park
$35 VC Taskforce members, $45 Affiliate members, $65 Non-Taskforce member Fees, If space is available, on-site registration is an additional $10.
Official Website: http://www.VCTaskForce.com
Added by FullCalendar on October 9, 2007