Necessary Angel Theatre Company is proud to present the Toronto premiere of The Eco Show, a darkly humorous elegy for humanity written and directed by the company’s Artistic Director Daniel Brooks. The Eco Show is one part portrait of a family as a crumbling, interdependent ecosystem and one part 'eco-fable' for our time. Brooks draws attention to the troubled relationships between family members as a subtle metaphor for the larger, global issue of a planet in crisis. The ensemble cast features Richard Clarkin, Joe Cobdon, Fiona Highet, Geza Kovacs, and Jenny Young. The Montreal Gazette calls it a “near-perfect piece of contemporary theatre.” The Eco Show runs from May 13 to June 1 at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre. For tickets call 416-975-8555, or for more information visit
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Added by dwcommunications on April 10, 2008