Join us for an event that is all about understanding Trends.
Keynote Speakers:
Rob Wagemans - Concrete
As founder of the cool Dutch design crew "Concrete", Rob Wagemans has created some of Amsterdam’s hippest venues, including the ground-breaking, much-copied Supperclub for which he won the Dutch Design Award.
Marjan Ippel - Talkin' Food, Watching Foodtrends
Marjan is a foodtrendwatcher cum culinary journalist. She lectures and organises workshops on food and foodtrends, writes articles and books on the same subject and gives à la carte food(trend) consults to the food industry and restaurants. When a new restaurant or food concept - she's game!!
Venue: Spaces, Herengracht 124-128, Amsterdam
Fees: €30 for basic members. First and Business Class members FREE
Any Basic Member attending the event, will receive a full refund of the US$40 fee if they join as a premium member in the 48 hours following the event. So invite your friends and let them test-drive E.Factor!
Official Website:
Added by AskFrasco on November 17, 2008
I am looking forward to another great E.Factor event!