461 Valencia Street
San Francisco, California 94103

The Dynamics of Painters

December 3, 2011 to January 8, 2012 at ArtZone 461 Gallery

ArtZone 461 Gallery celebrates all Holidays and New Years with a remarkable offering: "The Dynamics of Painters" in the main space has notable works chronicling Gallery and Bay Area artist's careers.

Most people who look at paintings or follow an artist's career are interested in seeing growth and development; some find comfort in consistency. Either way, artists must evolve and mature and that is the crux of this show. See both consistency and dynamics in Manuel Neri's 1960s cutout and collaged figures: They return in his first print project, a 1990 collaboration with Mary Julia Klemenko, as hand painted and torn etchings. José Ramón Lerma, a contemporary and friend of Neri's, has explored abstract expressionist painting, collage and assemblage for over fifty years. Watch how Gallery artist Randy Beckelheimer transforms his former abstract, color-field paintings into contemporary, photo-based, renaissance realism.

From Ohio, Jane Fisher studied, and then taught at the Art Institute of Chicago. Experience her move from a not light enough, gray, Midwest winter studio - to sunny, bright, colorful California. Every artist is another example. Contributing to the dynamics of this exhibition are the breadth of historic, contemporary and, to the extent possible, emerging artists. Also featured: Jeong Im Yi; Heidi McDowell; Gage Opdenbrouw; Adam Cahoon; Nathan Oliveira; Paul Wonner, Gordon Cook and Kevin Bean.

Opening Reception Saturday December 3, 5:00 - 8:00 pm

Gallery Hours: 12-6 pm Wednesday-Sunday, occasional evenings and anytime by appointment

Added by ArtZone 461 Gallery on November 17, 2011

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