The third of a three-part Forum Series, this forum focuses on "dWellBeing: If you are what you eat, then your Community is?..."
Panelists: Kami Pothukuchi, Oliver Kellhammer, Mario Lee
Forum: 4:00 to 6:30 with reception to follow from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at Graham House, Green College, UBC
Communities are not just buildings and people, but c omplex systems. Among the central components of a well-planned community are its regional and local food systems. In this forum, we will focus on how food-system planning can foster dwell being by linking human health with that of the larger community and the environment. Issues of sustainability and equity are central. How can community-planning professionals work together with other public and non-profit agencies to promote dwell being in these regards? What are the most significant challenges to be faced?
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Added by iisgp on March 12, 2007