1320 Potrero Avenue
San Francisco, California

The Dreamtime Circus presents ~ "Between Worlds"

The Dreamtime Circus is a troupe of fire fairies, clowns, musicians, and all types of other magical and fantastical creatures who travel far and wide to share the uplifting experience of the circus with the peoples of the world.

From September 2007 to March 2008, the Dreamtime Circus shall bring its dreamtime creations across the globe to India, where we will dazzle and delight children and grown-ups alike. Orphanages, refugee camps, villages, and cities, wherever a circus need be, a circus shall be. All shows will be free. We seek to use fire and circus arts as mediums for fostering cross-cultural communication and open exchanges of cultural ideas and artistic expressions. We carry with us respect and appreciation for the world's people, cultures, and land; and a positive vision for the planet's future.

You can help make the Dreamtime Circus a reality!

"Between Worlds"
An otherworldly fire theater experience and a Dreamtime India Tour Benefit!
Saturday June 2nd
Xenodrome ~ 1320 Potrero St. ~ San Francisco ~ http://www.Xenodrome.com
Tickets at http://www.DreamtimeCircus.org

Journey through the dreaming life of a clown ~ meet enchanted dolls, abstract aerialists, financial district freaks, and an otherworldly array of acrobatic ~ juggling ~ hula-hooping ~ fire-flinging ~ fantastickal creatures. All proceeds will benefit the Dreamtime India Tour.


Carnival Midway, Show
Midway opens @ 2pm
Show begins @ 3pm
$20 Advance / $25 Door
Kids under 13 ~ 1/2 price!

Carnival Midway, Show, After-Party
Midway opens @ 7pm
Show begins @ 8pm
After-party ~ 10pm-2am (w/ beats by Leo and others TBA)
Show & Party ~ $30 Advance / $35 Door
After Party Only ~ $10+ Donation

These shows will sell out so buy tickets now at: http://www.DreamtimeCircus.org

~~~~ Can't make the show, but want to support the Dreamtime India Tour????~~~~

All the magic, smiles, and dreams will be made possible by the spirit of our volunteer performers and the generous TAX DEDUCTIBLE donations from folks like you. Any level of support is greatly appreciated. $10 - $50 - $100, whatever you can do will make a difference. And a $500 donation roughly covers the expenses for an entire show at a refugee camp or village. Just think, you could treat hundreds of kids to a show beyond their wildest dreams!!!

We will also have other exciting fundraising events, art auctions and a raffle coming in the very near future, so check our website for updates! Have an event where you could use a few extra fire fairies and circus freaks? Email us for more info!

For more information and to donate, visit ~
or email: Dreams@DreamtimeCircus.org

Official Website: http://www.DreamtimeCircus.org

Added by kae on May 18, 2007

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