3344 4th Ave.
San Diego, California 92103

Saturday, May 12 at 10am-4:30pm
The Dream of Life: Awakening to Emptiness
with Gen Kelsang Rigpa & Kelsang Chokyi

Emptiness is a word used by Buddha to describe the ultimate nature of reality. It does not mean
nothingness, but rather an experience of freedom from limitation that
allows us to let go of our painful ways of relating to ourselves and
to the world.

Cost: $50 includes a delicious vegetarian lunch.
Please register for this day course online or by phone to assist with
lunch preparations.
For more info: MeditationInSanDiego.org
Vajrarupini Buddhist Center - 3344 4th Avenue, San Diego

Added by Vajrarupini Buddhist Center on May 1, 2012