Unlike in Game of Thrones, summer’s coming...and fast, because we’ve already had a few nice days this year. Folks are starting to show “skin,” and my Fantasy Baseball draft is this Tuesday. But other than baseball and those first ostentatious displays of “skin” after a winter, there is nothing that excites me more about the summer than rosé.
All wines are meant for enjoyment, but there is something about a rosé that says, “shut up and just drink.” You can forget about our detail-obsessed food and wine world with the need to critique all, relax and sip easy this summer with session-rosés, or if you must, get nerdy with, yes, complex and transporting rosés. At Brooklyn Winery, we love rosé, and in this class we’ll taste and talk through four rosés of different styles and from different parts of the world, including a sample of our winemaker Conor McCormack’s own stuff made from 2011 grape juice (not to be officially released until June!). Come be among the first to taste wine from the second rosé vintage ever produced by Conor and Brooklyn Winery.
--Instructor Paul Brady
Official Website: http://bkwinery.com/the-25-wine-class-intro-to-spring-roses/1644
Added by Sarah Heiman on April 2, 2012