853 Valencia St.
San Francisco, California 94110

Come see the release of Requiem for the Living, The Disposition's debut album. The show is sure to be amazing with Performances by, Wildhawk, Conspiracy of Venus and late evening izzy*wise dj set.

Why sleep when you can be in Amnesia?

The Disposition http://www.facebook.com/thedispositionmusic

Wildhawk http://www.facebook.com/wildhawkmusic?ref=ts

Conspiracy of Venus http://www.facebook.com/conspiracyofvenus?ref=ts

Izzy*wise http://www.facebook.com/conspiracyofvenus?ref=ts

Official Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/489151104435964/?notif_t=plan_user_invited

Added by 200pockets on September 20, 2012