Sun-July 24th, Wed-July 27th, Fri-July 29th, Sat-July 30th, 6pm
Eric Kupers directed site-specific collaboration between AXIS Dance Company and Dandelion Dancetheater travels from Ed Roberts Campus in Berkeley to two BART stations. The Dislocation Express explores personal experiences of finding a sense of home and then losing it.
Artistic Director of Dandelion Dancetheater Eric Kupers is known in the Bay Area for his rich, visually captivating and emotional dance theater pieces that often explore themes of the human condition. What better Company to collaborate with than AXIS Dance Company, the Bay Area's local dance sensation of dancers with and without disabilities.
Having most recently appeared as guest artists on the FOX reality television show "So You Think You Can Dance", AXIS is no stranger to performing in unconventional spaces and situations. "The Dislocation Express" will be a welcome opportunity to collaborate with Dandelion Dancetheater, another local company that questions conventional ideas about dancer and dance performance, to bring dance outside of the proscenium theater and to the masses.
"The Dislocation Express" looks at the nature of place and displacement. Exploring the artists' experiences with finding a sense of home and then losing it for various reasons, The Dislocation Express draws from images and fantasies about hobo culture to better understand contemporary notions of place amidst the portable internet and mobile phone culture.
All of the music for "The Dislocation Express" will be performed live, composed by members of the ensemble and played on instruments, voices, adaptive apparatus and certain portions of the sets designed for sonic capabilities. David Ryther and Mantra Plonsey will give shape to the sonic landscape of the work and will lead the ensemble in finding new ways of thinking about music - including the sounds of wheels, wheelchairs, metal objects, and more.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on July 16, 2011