All about the Dudes... The Diggity Dudes are a children’s entertainment group that sings about values, good citizenship, and life lessons, with an occasional just-for-fun crazy dancing song thrown in for good measure. They provide family oriented entertainment for children 3-11 years old (though we have many adult fans who also feel our music is mighty diggity too!) After many years of playing "grown up music,” Diggity Dudes Mike Hartsfield and Donny Atkins decided to try writing songs for their kids. After taking the advice of their 6 yr. old critics, a catalog of catchy tunes blossomed. The Dudes decided if their kids liked what they heard, others would too.
In December of 2009, Mike and Donny added Diggity Scott Milstead (a founding member of Carbon Leaf and their drummer for 15 yrs.) on drums & percussion. Now, much to everyone’s delight, The Diggity Dudes have become a reality. The Diggity Dudes have been playing schools and events around Central Virginia since early 2010. Their debut album, My Science Project, was released in the summer of 2010, and has already begun to receive national airplay in a very short time. Their goal is simple: entertain the kids while giving back to the schools and organizations that support them. The Diggity Dudes are committed to dedicating a portion of proceeds from their performances to the organizations supporting their music. With budgetary cuts slashing and burning music and arts programs in the schools, the Dudes are are helping provide all the young Dudes and Dudettes an opportunity to experience the power and joy of a life enriched by music.
So if you and your family are looking for a great way to entertain (and even teach) your children, all while watching grown men act like kids themselves, please support The Diggity Dudes.
Official Website:
Added by Jammin Java on October 23, 2010