Please join the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce for
its 71st Annual Meeting, where member companies and individuals are
honored for exemplary standards in business development, employee
programs, business innovation, contribution to DeKalb County, and
overall involvement and support of the Chamber. Newly appointed Chamber
Board members and officers are presented as well.
Keynote SpeakerRon Shelp
Author of Fallen Giant:The Amazing Story of Hank Greenberg and the History of AIG
Master of CeremoniesDrew ErmencEditor, Business to Business Magazine
Location:Crowne Plaza Ravinia Hotel4355 Ashford Dunwoody Rd Atlanta, GA 30346770-395-7700
5:30 PM to 6:15 - Registration and Networking6:30 PM to 8:30 PM - Program
$75 per person; $750 for a table of 10Additional tables are priced at $650.00.
There will be NO Payment Taken at the door
Organized by ATT - DeKalb Chamber of CommercePresented by the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce
Ticket Info: - Individual Annual Meeting Ticket - $75.00, $75.00
- Corporate Table - (10 Seats) - $750.00, $750.00
- Corporate Table (20 seats) - $1300.00, $1,300.00
- Award Recipient Tickets, Free
Official Website: http://dekalbannualmeeting-upcoming.eventbrite.com