The Deaf Film and Television Festival...
To be held at Light House in Wolverhampton Friday 1 December – Sunday 3 December 2006. This will be the tenth festival and the eight one held in Wolverhampton.
Last year, the Festival had be cancelled at the last minute but this won’t happen this year because the organisation of the Festival is in the hands of the a steering group, drawn from a number of different organisations, including Zebra-Uno, the University of Wolverhampton and Light House committed to getting the ‘show on the road’ again!.
We want this year’s Festival to be the best ever. As well as being the tenth Festival, 2006 is also the 25th year of See Hear! so we want to mark this important anniversary. The Festival will also feature new work from Deaf filmmakers and TV producers from the UK and abroad.
The Festival will also feature panel discussion about the support and opportunities available for deaf filmmakers, the idea of setting up a Deaf filmmakers forum and network and co-operation between Deaf film festivals throughout Britain.
We want the Festival to represent Deaf production and work presenting Deaf issues as widely as possible. So the Festival will include feature films and work transmitted on television as well as children’s films, students’ work and new productions from emerging talent. So if you have any material you would like considered for the Festival or know anyone else who has, please contact us.
For bookings please contact: +44(0) 1902 716055
e. w. for more information as the 10th Deaf Film and Television Festival takes shape.
Official Website:
Added by mcpanic on November 6, 2006