2263 Mission st.
San Francisco, California 94110

Every Sunday 8PM $5

In the tradition of Mystery Science Theater 3000, but you can't tell which ones are the robots.
— David Manning

Why watch 'quality', expensive movies with overpriced popcorn and uptight jerks shushing you every five minutes when you could come here and see crappy expensive movies for half the money, listen to our hilarious hosts crack wise at the screen, eat stale free popcorn and make all the noise you want???

Check out our schedule of rancid movies and make a date for you and your friends to come to the Dark Room and bust a gut laughing at the irony.


November 18, 2007 WarGames
Matthew Broderick almost starts WWIII. For no good reason, Ally Sheedy is there.
Wackiness ensues at 1200 baud.

Hosts: Sherilyn Connelly and other redialers.

Official Website: http://www.darkroomsf.com/index.htm#bmn

Added by msnformd on October 24, 2007