SEVEN PERFORMANCES ONLY (March 3, 17, 24, 31 and April 7, 14, 28) -- The Danger Committee is back! They’ve appeared on NBC’s America’s Got Talent, E!’s Talk Soup, and favored thousands of patrons with their holiday hit, “A Stocking Full of Awesome,” and now The Danger Committee is back, turning its attention to matters of the heart—and other vulnerable organs. This world class trio (noted for their stellar sell-out performances at the Renaissance Festival) combines Danger Committee classics with some all new stunts to create a family-friendly show that will have something for everyone—whether you love juggling, knife throwing, or just plain laughing yourself silly. Every show followed by a Q&A with Reynaldo, Bald Guy and Other One and special post-show happy hour specials.
Added by Jenni Lilledahl on February 27, 2012